August 22, 2011

Halloween Tricks and Treats

Halloween weekend was a busy time for us.  Kehl had a school party on Friday but his costume wasn't ready so we threw something together and a 'Beatle' was born.  I don't know which one, you vote.  They had a cute little parade and some wonderful Halloween crafts.  'Bob the Builder' was there and his machine was quite the hit.
On Saturday, after the football game, we went to the ward Trunk-or-Treat.  If you can't tell what Kehl is then let me tell you, it's a bit abstract.  Kehl is a bag of flour that has become 'infested' with bull weevil.  Phil is a baker....yeah pretty original.  And I'm....well, an oven.  I heard a lot of, "Oh look there's a washer" but that doesn't make any sense.  I guess that's why most people didn't get the hidden message.  I made a few updates to the oven before we went to the family party.
Sunday was Halloween at Grandma and Grandpa's and we were ready to tell the world our "secret" and bring the family a wonderfully baked treat.....But the cute "blue" cake fell off the car and smashed on the pavement.  Since tempers were high we left the cake instead of taking it.  Besides that, the night was a smash.  We played some gut busting games that had both tricks and treats, saw some great costumes and even had a nice devotional.....just because we wear costumes on Sunday doesn't mean that we're matter what people say.


Can you see a theme? 

Sunday: Halloween

1 comment:

Sam said...

I love your costumes!

I'm waiting for the blog to catch up to the birth of little #2. ;)