December 8, 2010

Apparently, you CAN run out of room to speak...on the blog, that is.  After a long hiatus from blogging, we came back to our familiar spot to catch up with all that has happened over the last several months...only to face the ominous "elephant" in the room: Full Storage!

Alas, we had reached the end of our free blogging frontier and were faced with the end of our ramblings; if we were going to continue our journey, we would have to succumb  to the ubiquitous UPGRADE!  However, in the attitude of the human spirit's inherent desire to be be free, and in the words of Galaxy Quest, we rendered our declaration: Never Give Up, Never Surrender!
Okay...enough of the superfluities haha! Here's what we did to keep our blog going without upgrading our storage.  We found a website called Blog2print which allows you to convert your entire blog into a book or a digital copy (pdf format: $7.95.  Better than paying $5/month for the rest of your life!).  After we saved our blog, we deleted all our posts and cleared our online storage of its pictures.

So, here's to a new beginning and the continuation of "free" blogging.  Long live CardonFamilyChaos!!


Rach said...

So glad to see you are back online, funny though I've never had to pay and I've been blogging for years. Goodness I may have to print my blog very soon.

Come to Hawaii.

The White's said...

Lu!!!! and a little baby soon! That is great! Well I hope you and your boys are good and I love ya